Latest Webpage Update: 01/21/2025


Many new events added to the calendar.....

Contact Us:

St. Augustine Airport Pilots' Association
P.O. Box 1867

Saint Augustine, FL 32085


Or use our Contact Form.

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                              Welcome! The

     St. Augustine Airport Pilots' Association                           is an Aviation Club.

SAAPA's Mission and Vision:

 Mission:  To Promote, Preserve and Protect the interests of the General Aviation Community at St. Augustine Airport.


Vision:  To create and foster an environment that supports the enthusiasm of pilots and aviation enthusiasts, and to encourage the camaraderie of aviation and the support of the local community.

St. Augustine Airport Pilots' Association (known as "SAAPA") is an Aviation club comprised of over 200 members.  Our members include non-pilots, pilots, and folks who understand that airplanes and aircraft are cool.  If you have an interest in aircraft or Aviation, contact us about visiting one of our 1st Friday Socials!